Weights & Measures Overview


When you buy a pound of hamburger or a gallon of milk at the grocery store, or watch the register as your purchases are scanned in the checkout line, did you ever wonder who sees that you are getting what you pay for?  Who makes sure that the gallon of gasoline shown on the pump is actually what you receive, that 87 octane is really 87?

Each year, weights & measures labor inspectors conduct thousands of inspections at all levels of state commerce to ensure that state businesses compete on a level playing field.

Everything from rail cars of coal or timber, to the package of pork chops you picked up for dinner is checked to ensure that all parties are being treated fairly in the transaction.

Due to the actions of this small but crucial section of state government, business owners and consumers can be assured of honest and accurate transactions at all levels of commerce in West Virginia.

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Weights & Measures Fact Sheets

Weights & Measures Statutes & Rules​​​​​​​

1900 Kanawha Boulevard East | State Capitol Complex - Building 3, Room 200 | Charleston, WV 25305
Ph: (304) 558-7890

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